Why is Financial Literacy Important for NDIS Participants
0:02 Hey everyone, my name's Daniel from Financial Literacy Australia and today we're just going to be going through what financial literacy is important in the ice participants.
0:11 So we'll just go over and brief overview of what financial literacy Australia is. So, financial literacy Australia is a program that, um, Indian ice participants can join to learn about financial literacy.
0:25 It's a self-paced program and yeah we have lots of different topics and it's tailored just to suit. The participant alone, sorry whether they're beginning to meet it, if they're advanced, whether they want to learn about scams, budgeting.
0:41 It's all tailored right for the participant just to empower themselves and give them independence. So the importance of financial literacy in Australia, especially in India's participants, is incredibly vital.
0:57 So with the NDIS, it's umm created around umm giving people giving vulnerable people, umm money to be at the services provided to meet their goals.
1:10 It's an amazing umm thing that the Australian government have, but I've found in my career that some people might not be able to manage the package.
1:20 In terms of the packages themselves or they're actually taking advantage of um by other people because they're not familiar with what they're actually receiving or what they're giving.
1:29 Um so our mission is to sort of get in power umm. Endiose participants. And umm yeah keep them just keep them vigilant as well umm just sort of an in control.
1:44 So I'll give you an example of some of the programs that we offer or the program we offer. So this one is a big in as well.
1:52 So I'll just make myself a bit smaller here. So this is one of the slides in one of the lessons.
1:59 So this one goes through what coins are. So the smallest coins are 5 cent coin. Umm then we go to the next one here which is the 10 cent coin.
2:09 10 cent coin. This is a 10 cent coin. It is also silver and it's bigger than the 5 cent coin.
2:16 So as you can see this is a very umm introduction sort of umm lesson to financial literacy. We do have umm many other courses.
2:26 So as I said before it's tailored for the person. So we'll move on to the intermediate and you can see what that is.
2:32 So this one here is about utility bills. So this one's about halfway through the course. So umm the one will learn like what a kilowatt hour is in electricity.
2:43 Umm and yeah how to pay your bills as well. So we do have a mentoring program. So if people want to learn how to pay the bills um themselves we can actually go through each individual bill.
2:55 Umm. That they like to pay and yeah we can assist them with that. So here I've just got up um some of the tailored modules that financial literacy Australia can provide for participants.
3:12 So these are incredibly important for the participants live to so they can sort of um you know navigate it independently and then obviously um you know once they're confident navigating their life they can relate that up to their NDIS plan which is obviously in turn.
3:28 Meeting their goals as well. So here we've got um like what Lauren's debts and interests is introduction of financial boundaries recognizing identity theft, introduction of scams, successful habits for goal achievement, bill paying, introductions to Lauren.
3:50 There's over 80 different lessons that can be tailored to the specific person. So if you want to have a look at all of them just head across to our website as well.
4:00 So each one of these is tailored for end-to-ice participants as I was saying before. So yeah it's to suit the um the learning style as well.
4:11 So the, in regards to the learning style we've got at the end of each lesson here. We've got a recap so there's it's sort of a gamified um version.
4:22 Sorry I'll just have to flick through to the bottom here. So here in one of the lessons we've just got a multiple choice at the end.
4:32 So here it's a set of, what can we use to buy? Oh money to buy. So and play out's food and toys the summer.
4:42 So what color's the 5 cent coin? So uh. True, it falls. The 2 dollar coin is the smallest gold coin but it is worth the most.
4:54 True. So it's a fun, engaging way, but um, keeps, pittest Thank you for watching. Thank you very much. I'm actively wanting to complete it.
5:07 As you can see before in our lessons, um, it's got a text to spade functions. Um, even if people order tree learners or, um, you know, visually impaired, they can actually, um, listen to the, in terms of well.
5:20 And so with the, um, our program, we're only charging the participants two hours, um, access per week, but they can complete it as fast as they want and they won't be taught to charge any additional cost.
5:33 So say if the participant was, working on this to say 40 hours a week and um, you know after three or four weeks they, they completed and um, yeah we'll just cancel the, um, the payments from their account so all that have to pay is the four weeks worth two hours a week opposed to, um, the entire access
5:52 period so we have that approach just to make it um, as cost effective for the participants possible as well. Um, especially ones that you know might not have a big package and they, they do want to complete it as fast as they can.
6:07 So that wraps up today's video on how financial literacy is important with NDO's participants in Australia. So um, if you have any questions, this feel free to hit across to my website.
6:17 It's fauus.com.au or give us a call on one application. 800 FLAUS1 and I'm here one at the same workout I'll help you.
6:28 Thank you.