How To Read Your Gas Bill

0:02 Hey guys, Daniel from Financial Literacy Australia here. Today we're just going to be going over how to read a gas bill.

0:09 So the first video we went through was electricity bill, but yeah today we'll just go through this gas one. So it's very similar to an electricity bill.

0:17 So here, on number one, so this is your, usage. So instead of it being calculated by kilowatt hour, it's measured in megajoules.

0:29 So that means here we've got your average usage of megajoules per day. So this one here is 14.52 megajoules. And so that works out roughly what it was per day if you average it out for the entire period.

0:47 So then under there, underneath that, you can see your same time last year. So it says here that your same time last year was 10.69 megajoules.

0:57 And so under there, it says your average usage cost per day is $1.45. So you can, another thing you can do if you are seeing your electricity bills are getting expensive, you can actually compare what your usage was this time last year like your average and if it is a lot higher you can just see if there

1:22 are any gas leaks or anything like that or talk to someone about going through some options to try and lower it.

1:32 So the other thing here, we've got your number 2, so your usage graph. So here you can see in December it is a little bit lower, but in June, so say in winter, it's higher.

1:43 So this is usually the case. And so most people who have gas, they might spend more in the winter keeping warm.

1:51 And so this is something that you consider with your budget as well. So say if you're putting some money away each week for your gas, whether that money is, you know, being spent or not, it can sort of, you know, add up a bit.

2:04 And then when it does come winter, it doesn't, you know, eat out of your savings as much. So down in number five here, four and five, we've got your billing period.

2:16 So that is when the bill was determined. So this bill here, the usage was charged from the 16th of September to the 17th of December.

2:26 So it's usually for a three-month period. And it works out roughly, yeah, three, four quarters a year. But yeah, it does depend on your supplier too.

2:39 Some people, some people, some suppliers do go month by month. So here it's got your build days, your pressure, your heating value.

2:48 You don't really need to worry too much about those. Usage, you do. But yeah, it's just good to know if you are interested in learning about that.

2:59 So here you've you charges. So you've got your pay here, your price and what it equates to. So here you've got uhm under here you've got service to property.

3:10 So the service to property is a charge that suppliers charge to actually supply your home with the gas, whether you're using it or not.

3:21 So just having the service connected, it does cost you money, uhm and so it works out at about 70 cents per day.

3:29 So say if you do think your electricity, sorry your gas bill is getting a bit higher, you can just compare whether your usage was the same time last year, so up the top here.

3:40 Or if you can compare with the previous bill to see if the usage charges are higher or your service to property charges are higher.

3:50 So last thing, down the bottom, we've got your total price as well. So this is a quick video on how to, yeah, read an electricity, ah gas bill.

3:58 If you have any questions, just reach feel free to reach out. But yeah, stay tuned for our next videos.