What are Scams and how can they impact NDIS Participants.

0:00 Hey guys, my name's Daniel from Financial Literacy Australia, and today we're going to be talking about scams and primarily that subject on what are scams and a very general overview.

0:14 So, if you ever wondered what a scam is, or perhaps you've found yourself a scam victim, scams are maneuvers where people often steal or try to coerce you into getting your cash or personal information.

0:33 This usually happens online, by telephone, or even door-to-door salesmen. So we will talk about how to protect yourself and your money.

0:46 Scams can come in many forms, including phone calls, emails, websites, and face-to-face encounters, but the most prevalent type of scams currently exists.

1:01 So, in these scenarios, an individual is often posing as a representative from a reputable company, government, website, or anyone you might know who appears trustworthy.

1:15 They'll attempt to discuss your personal information or even try and get payment from you. Now, these people can look legitimate; they can look like they can sound legitimate; they that sometimes it can happen to anyone, anywhere, any demographic, so it happens to people in general people it can happen

1:37 to vulnerable people, it's across the board. So next, we've got email scans. So these are crafty messages that often also appear legitimate, and the primary intention is to trick you into parting ways with your money or giving personal information.

1:56 Now, when you give personal information to a scammer, they can get some of your details. So, say, for example, someone might call you one day and ask for your mother's maiden name.

2:08 Now, it sounds like a general question that you don't have any intent behind it, but it does because a lot of passwords, the way to reset them is with your wireless to your mother's maiden name, and if they might have got your email or or address or anything, they can reset your passwords

2:28 and gain access to things like your internet banking and transfer stuff to money. So there's another scam we'll go through online scams.

2:40 So there's work in the dark corners of the web waiting to pass when shopping online or clicking on seemingly innocent links.

2:51 Now, One thing you can do to prevent yourself is to look at the website and see if it seems legitimate.

2:57 Even if you're not 100% sure, it's always worth asking someone trustworthy. So this could be whether it's a financial counsellor or a family or friend member, but yours has to be vigilant about what information you give, especially on life.

3:15 So, spotting a scam might seem daunting, but there are always telltale signs. So, if you request money or someone asks for money from you, urgently or inconveniently, like through gift cards or internet transfers, your scam alerts should start beeping inside.

3:39 So this could go from things that might appear too good to be true so that it could be, say, you get an email saying that someone is going to transfer your money, but first you have to pay a fee.

3:54 So that fee could be as little as $10 or $50 or $2, but it's more to trick you into thinking you will receive this sizeable exorbitant amount.

4:05 Now, pretty much all the time, this is a scam, and you've got to be careful about, you know, to whom you give money to your own one.

4:27 So, another thing, if someone is asking for your personal information, like your bank account details, exercise extreme caution; now, staying safe is paramount, and a few simple steps can help you achieve that.

4:41 Never give your personal information or money to someone that you don't have complete they can. Remember, it's your money, and you can decide what to do.

4:51 If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, and when in doubt, ask a trusted family or friend.

4:59 Don't hesitate to disconnect from suspicious phone calls and probably delete suspicious emails. If you suspect you've been scanned, don't panic. Contact a trusted family member, a friend, or a financial counsellor because you can use many resources.

5:22 Now, putting these tips into practice and determining the legitimacy, practice saying no to things that people might unreasonably request from you. No is very powerful, and you're allowed to say it.

5:38 In conclusion, navigating the scam-infested waters can be intricate; it can be pretty complex, but having a keen eye for the red flags can keep you one step ahead of them all the time.

5:50 Now, always exercise vigilance with your money and personal information. Now stay safe, and remember, if it's too good to be true, it usually is.