
How to Onboard to Financial Literacy Australia's App / Program

0:01 Hey everyone, my name's Daniel from Financial Literacy Australia. Today, we're going to go through the onboarding process for participants.

0:09 So, if you'd like to join the Financial Literacy program, it's a straightforward process that doesn't take long.

0:16 So, we will head to our website, www.flaus.com.au. I've already loaded this website here, but we click the signup button in the blue in the top right corner here in the blue.

0:36. And we wait for this form to load. So here, we've just got to put in what best describes you, whether you're a participant, a support coordinator, a plan manager or another.

0:46 Now if you're a support coordinator and you're signed up a plan, a participant, just put in participant there and you can follow their details yourself.

0:54 So we'll click OK. So here we just put our first name in: our first name is John, and our last name is Smith.

1:04 So we click OK there. So now we put in what city we're from, so we put in Melbourne, and our postcode, so our postcode is 3000.

1:19 We select our NDIS package, whether plan-managed, self-managed, or unsure. In this instance, we will choose the plan executed, so here we pop in our NDIS number.

1:35 So, it's a nine-digit number, so I'm just going to put 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in, and here we just put in our plan manager's contact details.

1:49 So, we'll fill this in, so here's Jane. SmithPlanManager1231.gmail.com, and here we just put in the company our plan manager works for.

2:05 So, we'll just put in plan manager1231—Gmail company. So, once we've got these details of our plan manager, we click okay.

2:15 So, here we say that our plan manager is in the same suburb or town as you and the plan manager also lives in Melbourne, so we'll click okay.

2:24 Click yes. And here, we pop in the plan manager's suburb and postcode. So, we've got Melbourne 3000. So here, we pop in our email address.

2:43 So, our name is johnsmith at gmail.com. Click ok. And here, we've just got to select which level suits us best.

2:56 So, there are a few different levels we can choose from. We've got beginners. So, that's an elementary introduction to what money is.

3:06 So, there's a lot of coin recognition. It is just understanding the principles of money and how it works. So, the next one's intermediate.

3:14 Now, this one's for people who already have a basic understanding of money but want to learn how to pay their bills by themselves, be more independent, and have a big, a good foundation around money.

3:26 The advanced level. So, the one is for people who say they're pretty confident with paying their bills, but they might want to go from plan-managed to self-managed.

3:37 So, they want to have a good understanding of how money works, um, and so they can best utilize, say, their, um, their package.

3:44 Then, we've got youth down the bottom here. Now, youth is for people under the age of 17, um, and yeah, it's cultivated a broad definition of how money works in financial management.

4:02 So, here we're just going to pop intermediate in. So, the next question is, do you have available funding in your NDIS package?

4:10 Now, you might have to check with your plan manager or your support coordinator for this one if you're unsure. Once we've reviewed and have available funding, we click yes here.

4:22 Now, we pop in our phone number here. And now, if you're confident with everything you've put in, you have to click submit.

4:32 So, in this instance, John is eligible and will receive a service agreement via email. So, the service agreement might take a little while to send through, um, sometimes it can take up to a couple of hours, so check your emails later.

4:48 Um, once you have received your service agreement, you can simply sign it. Now, I'll show you how to mark it, so we have to click here, and you'll receive an email that looks like this.

5:01 So it's a digital signature, and here we just have to click start signing, but I'll bring up one that we've prepared earlier.

5:18 So we simply click on proceed to date. So here is the service agreement, and I'll make it a little smaller here so we can all see it.

5:31 So here is the service agreement; it'll list your name and the date at the top. So you must make sure you have a read over this one.

5:40 If you don't understand it, make sure a trusted adult, support coordinator, or plan manager helps you through it so that you know everything inside this document before you sign it.

5:49 So here it's just got information about us, it's got your NDIS number, your phone number, the NDIS line item that it comes under, your address.

5:58 So here it's got our service details. Here, we'll have a breakdown of the lessons you'll be receiving and how long they will take.

6:06 It's got your summary of weekly costs here. Then it's got a lot more information, so you can feel free to have a read over this yourself.

6:15 Just a lot of terms and conditions here. So here we're just going to sign it. So, to sign it, you click on it; there's a box here where we connect the sign, type your name in and then go, and it will send it back to us immediately.

6:32 So once it's sent back, you'll receive instant access to the program. So you'll receive another email. So you'll that has a login details.

6:42 So all you'll have to do is enter your email and your password, and you'll be able to log in. So you can do that over the computer or on your phone.

6:51 You can check your email and be redirected to the app store. I've got another video on how to proceed with this process again, but it's straightforward, and yeah, once you've signed in, you can start immediately.

7:07 So, once the service agreement is all completed, you'll be ready to go with it In about 10 minutes.

7:14 If you have any questions, please ask us for help or ask your support coordinator.

7:20 Thanks, everyone.


How To Download and Sign Into the FLA App