I Have Been Scammed, What Do I Do? A Simple Guide for NDIS Participants

Finding out you've been scammed can be upsetting and scary. But there are simple steps you can take to help make things better. Here's what you can do:

1. It's Not Your Fault

First, remember it's not your fault. Scammers are very sneaky and can trick anyone.

2. Tell Someone You Trust

Talk to a family member, a friend, or someone who helps you with your NDIS plan. They can support you and help with the next steps.

3. Keep Everything

Keep any emails, messages, or notes you have about the scam. This information can be very helpful later.

4. Call Your Bank

If you gave money or bank details to the scammer, call your bank immediately. They can help stop the scammer from taking more money.

5. Report the Scam

Scamwatch: This is where you can tell people about the scam. It helps them warn others. You can ask someone you trust to help you report it online or call them.

6. Talk to Someone If You Feel Upset

It's normal to feel upset or embarrassed if you've been scammed. Talking to someone you trust about how you think can help. There are also places you can call to speak to someone who understands and can make you feel better.

7. Learn About Scams

Learning more about scams can help you be safer in the future. Some easy-to-understand resources and workshops can teach you how to spot a scam. You can learn about these in our program.


  • Scammers are very clever and can trick anyone.

  • It's important to talk about what happened so you can get help.

  • Some people and places can help you feel better and safer.

Getting scammed can make you feel bad, but taking these steps can help you deal with the situation and feel better. Remember, you're not alone, and there's help for you.


Easy Guide: Setting Money Goals for NDIS Participants


Recognising and Avoiding Scams - For NDIS Participants